Unforgettable Coorg: A 3-Day Adventure

Nestled in the lush Western Ghats of Karnataka, Coorg is a hidden gem wrapped in the arms of nature.

Known as the Scotland of India for its misty hills, gushing waterfalls, sprawling coffee plantations, and breathtaking vistas, Coorg promises an unforgettable getaway.

As an avid traveler always on the lookout for offbeat destinations, I decided to spend 3 days exploring the mesmerizing landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and mouthwatering cuisine of Coorg.

With careful planning, advice from locals, and a spirit of adventure – this is how I made the most of my short yet sweet trip to India’s coffee country.

Day 1: Arrival and Local Sightseeing

After an early morning flight from Mumbai and a scenic 4-hour drive from Mangaluru, we arrived at our homestay just in time for lunch.

We feasted on a traditional Coorg meal – steamed puttu made from rice flour, spicy kadambattu chicken curry, pandhi curry (pork), and more. The flavors were so intense, it was a delightful welcome to Coorg’s fabulous cuisine.

Post lunch, we headed out to explore Madikeri (also called Mercara), the district headquarters.

We visited the 19th century Omkareshwara Temple, set on an island in the middle of a picturesque lake. The history, architecture, and views made it an iconic place to visit.

Next up was the Raja’s Seat, a popular sunset viewpoint perched high above lush valleys and streams. The musical fountains and gardens only added to its charm. As the sun went down with hues of orange and pink, it felt incredibly romantic.

After a quick coffee break at a quaint cafe to try the local Kodagu brew, we walked around the Madikeri Fort. It offered panoramic views of the entire town.

By evening, we returned to our homestay for a traditional Coorg dinner by candlelight before turning in for an early night.

Day 2: Trekking, Waterfalls, and Countryside Delights

I woke up early the next day to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee andsounds of birds chorusing outside. Post a sumptuous breakfast, we left onour main adventure – an 8 km trek to Mallalli Falls.

Strapping on ourshoes, the trail started by winding through rugged terrain, dense sholaforests, and green meadows with undulating hills in the distance.

Thethree-hour uphill climb was demanding yet the scenery kept us motivating. lower down, the terrain opened to foggy valleys and gushing streams leadingup to the magnificent Mallalli Falls.

One of the longest in Coorg,seeing the milky white cascade plunging down from over 200 ft amidstrugged rocks was a surreal spectacle. We found a perfect spot on alarge rock to have our packed lunch while soaking in the views andrecounting our experience.

On our drive back, we stopped at smaller villages and towns like Virajpetto get a feel of rural life. Lush spice, coffee and pepper plantationsrolled by while friendly locals smiles and waved.

I tried some locallyproduced honey and stocked up on coffee and spice packets as souvenirs. NoCoorg trip is complete without them!

By late afternoon, we were back atthe homestay just in time for a nice cup of evening tea/coffee followedby a delicious dinner spread. Turning in for an early night, I couldn’twait to make the most of my last day here!

Day 3: Adventure Sports and Departure

Having explored much of Coorg already, I decided to try some adventureactivities on my last day. After a quick breakfast, we left for an action-packed Dubare Elephant Camp on the banks of the Cauvery River.

Here we learnt about these gentle giants while feeding and bathing them. Nothing matched those moments playing with the creatures, they seemed to enjoy it too!

Next we did river rafting – riding the rapids of white frothy waters was exhilarating. With grade 2 and 3 rapids, it was just the right amount of thrill!

Post lunch, I indulged in a relaxing spa session focusing on rejuvenating massages and aromatic oil therapies.

My muscles sure needed that after all that workout! Later, we shopped for some local handicraft items and artifacts in Madikeri market to take back. Handmade woodwork, spices, coffee and honey made for excellent gifts and memories.

As the golden sun dipped behind Coorg’s verdant landscape for one lasttime, I took in the crisp hills against colorful skies. Saying goodbyewas hard but I know I’ll be back someday to explore more of incredibleCoorg!

Its pristine countryside, charming locals, and culture stuck withme even as we drove to Mangaluru airport. Those 3 days raced by but thememories I made will last forever.

So if you love nature, food, culture and a bit of adventure, add Coorgto your must-visit list! Believe me, this coffee county will exceedingyourexpectations.

Let me known in comments below if you’ve been to Coorgor plan to after reading my story! I’d be happy to give more tips and recommendations.

Manvendra Singh
Manvendra Singh

Hi, I am Manvendra Singh, a passionate travel vlogger with a vision to enrich the travel experience for adventurers around the globe.

Articles: 87
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