Uncovering the Beauty of Hampi: A Complete Itinerary

Nestled amongst granite boulders and surrounded by lush green landscapes, the ancient city of Hampi is a historical wonderland.

As the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire, Hampi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with over 1,600 ancient monuments to explore.

From temple ruins and royal structures to vibrant markets and scenic landscapes, Hampi offers an incredible travel experience.

Planning a trip to Hampi can be overwhelming with so many sights to see. That’s why I’ve put together this complete 2-day Hampi itinerary to help you uncover the best of this magical destination.

Follow along for the ultimate guide to exploring Hampi’s ancient ruins, admiring breathtaking views, understanding the region’s rich history, and soaking up the atmosphere in this vibrant village.

Day 1 Morning: Explore the Royal Center

Start your first day in Hampi by exploring the Royal Center, which was the heart of the Vijayanagara Empire. Spend the morning visiting the prominent sites in this area, which include:

  • Hazara Rama Temple – This intricately carved temple features stunning friezes depicting the Ramayana. It’s a fine example of ancient Vijayanagara architecture.
  • Mahanavami Dibba – A massive platform where the king overlooked festivities and processions. Climb to the top for panoramic views.
  • Pushkarni – The original stepped tank of the empire, still used for sacred rituals today.
  • Zenana Enclosure Where royal women once lived in seclusion. The highlights are the Lotus Mahal and Elephant Stables.

Day 1 Afternoon: Explore the Sacred Center

After lunch, make your way to the Sacred Center of Hampi. This area contains many of the most important temples and monuments:

  • Virupaksha Temple The only active temple in Hampi, with ancient carvings and a festive atmosphere. Don’t miss the hike up Hemakuta Hill for the sunset views.
  • Vitthala Temple – Hampi’s most ornate and extravagant temple, dedicated to Vitthala, an aspect of the god Vishnu.
  • Stone Chariot – The iconic stone chariot shrine located inside the Vijaya Vitthala temple complex. A masterpiece of Vijayanagara art.
  • Sasivekalu Ganesha & Kadalekalu Ganesha – Two giant Ganesha shrines carved out of single boulders.

Day 2 Morning: Explore the Riverside and Sunset Hill

On your second day, rent a bicycle or moped to explore sights a bit further afield.

Ride along the river to admire views of the temples, then make your way up Sunset Hill to watch the morning sun illuminate the boulder-strewn landscape. Other highlights include:

  • Pampa Sarovar – A sacred river with a pathway lined with shrines known as the Pampa Kshetra.
  • Sanapur Lake – Spot birds, monkeys, and other wildlife around this serene lake.
  • Monkey Temple – A riverside temple filled with mischievous monkeys.
  • Sunset Hill – Hike up to this viewpoint for stunning panoramas at sunrise. A perfect spot for photos.

Day 2 Afternoon: Wander through Local Markets

After lunch, dive into the bustling local markets in the nearby village. It’s a great place to shop for souvenirs, admire handicrafts, and experience local culture. Don’t miss:

  • Virupaksha Market – At the entrance to Virupaksha temple, selling produce, spices and handmade goods.
  • Mango Tree Restaurant – An iconic rooftop restaurant perfect for lunch.
  • Archaeological Museum – Housing fascinating artifacts excavated from Hampi’s temples and monuments.

End your Hampi visit with a walk along the river at sunset, admiring the distant temple spires under the golden light.

This 2-day itinerary hits all of the highlights to uncover Hampi’s magic, history and beauty. Let Hampi’s ancient wonder transport you back in time as you explore this UNESCO site.


With its sprawling temple complexes, royal buildings, vibrant markets and captivating scenery, Hampi is a destination you can explore for days.

This 2-day itinerary takes you to all of the must-see sites to admire Hampi’s architecture, understand its history as a great empire, marvel at the landscapes, and soak up the atmospheric local culture.

Follow this route to ensure you experience the very best of Hampi’s past and present beauty on your visit.

Manvendra Singh
Manvendra Singh

Hi, I am Manvendra Singh, a passionate travel vlogger with a vision to enrich the travel experience for adventurers around the globe.

Articles: 87
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